When you buy an aircon unit for your home, you wish to get the best cooling with it, and you do a lot of research also for the same. But along with a wise selection of Aircon, you also need to install it at a proper place to get better cooling with it.
If you do not choose the right place to install an Aircon unit, then you will not be able to get a comfortable and soothing environment in your room even after investing a lot of time and money in this task. To help you more in this regard, the following are 5 Tips On Deciding Where To Place Your Aircon Unit so you can get a comfortable cooling effect by it with minimum efforts.
Properly ventilated space for outdoor unit:
When it comes to the Aircon unit’s installation, many people pay attention to the indoor unit and completely ignore the place selection for the outdoor unit. However, this is not true, and they should give the same importance to the outdoor unit’s place selection to get the best result from it.
To get the best result, it is strongly recommended that your outdoor unit has proper space for airflow. If it is not properly ventilated, then the hot air that will come out of your Aircon unit will remain there only, affecting the cooling for you. But if you will have a well-ventilated space for the outdoor unit, you will not face this complication, and you will be able to get better cooling and comfortable environment with your Aircon unit.
The outdoor unit should be in the shade:
This is one more factor that I would strongly recommend you to consider while choosing a place for your Aircon unit. When you leave the outdoor unit in direct sunlight, it gets heated, and it works extra to give you the cooling you want from it. That means it will increase your electricity bill as it will need to work more for the culling effect.
Also, it will have more mechanical problems because it will need to work more, and you will not be able to get the best result with it in a normal situation. However, if you will add a simple shade on your Aircon’s outdoor unit, your Aircon unit will have fewer loads on it, and it will be able to perform in a much better way.
It will also reduce your electricity and maintenance expenses, and you will get fewer problems with it. So, I would strongly recommend that you install the outdoor unit of your Aircon at a shaded but ventilated place to get the best cooling from it in your home.
The indoor unit should be away from light bulbs:
People often wonder why their Aircon unit keeps on running nonstop even after reaching the set temperature. They get this issue because they install their Aircon indoor unit next to a light bulb, and as a result, they end up having this trouble in their unit.
You need to understand this simple fact that if you install the Aircon unit next to a light bulb or any source that generates heat, then the sense of your Aircon unit might not check the temperature drop due to that heating object, and it may keep on running nonstop.
As a result, you will get a chilled room that will not be a comfortable option for you, and you will have to shut down your Aircon unit every few minutes manually. To avoid this problem and to get the best result, it is strongly recommended that you install your Aircon unit away from any light or object that causes heating while it’s working.
It should be near your bed or sitting area:
When you install an Aircon unit in your home, you either buy it for your living room or buy it for your bedroom. It can give you better cooling effects when it is next to your bed or sitting place in either of the cases. Indeed, some people would say that the Aircon unit will cool the entire room, which is true.
But you also need to understand that the cooling will be nearer to the Aircon unit, and at another end, cooling will be less. Also, the temperature sensor always remains inside to Aircon unit or next to it to sense the minimum temperature accordingly. It will cut off according to the temperature near you’re the ac unit.
So, it is a good idea that you install it next to your sitting area or bed so you can get a better result with it without any complication or trouble
It should be high enough for better cooling:
This is a simple rule that hot air goes up and cold air come down at any place. It would help if you kept this fact in your mind while installing your Aircon unit, and you should keep the altitude at a higher level.
If you install your Aircon unit at your feet level, then either it will not cool your room at all, or it will take a lot of time to give you the required cooling. It will not give you the desired result in either condition, and you will spend more money on it.
But if you will install it at a higher position, it will do the cooling in a much quicker manner and get cooling for the entire room. Hi, Aircon unit position will also make sure that you get proper spacing for ducting pipe and get pipes to it easily.
So, when you do this installation, make sure you follow this rule as well, and you install it at a higher position in your room to get the best and most comfortable feeling with it.