Air conditioner is an important device in Singapore today. Many people are using this device because of the hot temperature in this country. It is very important for you to maintain the quality of your aircon unit properly. You should do some maintenance procedures, so you can keep the performance of your air conditioner. You also need to be ready with some problems with this unit. Some aircon units may keep turning off for no reason. There are some factors that can cause this situation. Here are some problems that may cause your aircon unit to lose its function.
1. Frozen condenser
You should know that condenser plays an important role in your aircon unit. This is one of the most essential parts of your air conditioner unit. There are many problems that can be suffered by this part. You may suffer from frozen condenser with your aircon. This problem can cause your aircon to keep turning off from time to time. You need to fix this problem, so you can restore your air conditioner’s function. In some cases, you may need to replace this unit with the new one.
2. Dirty aircon unit
Some units may have this problem when they have dirty parts. It is recommended that you clean your air conditioner at least once a month. When you leave your air conditioner unit dirty, you can see some dirt, dust, or other impurities in your unit. These impurities may block the function of your air conditioner. Some aircon units can keep turning off when they have this problem. If you want to solve this situation, you should clean your unit regularly. Make sure that you clean your air filter, so you can remove some of these impurities from your air conditioner.
3. Loose cable
This is another common problem that can cause your aircon unit to keep turning off. It is important that you check all cables or wires of your air conditioner regularly. Some loose cables can decrease the overall function of your air conditioner. When this situation is not treated properly, it can cause some other problems. Some loose cables can be dangerous for homeowners, especially when these cables are connected the electricity. You should replace these broken cables or wires with the new ones, so you can solve this problem immediately.
4. Blocked system
Most air conditioner units usually work based on the water circulation on their units. It is a normal thing to have some blocked pipes or systems in your aircon unit. These blocked systems can be caused by any factors, including dirt, dusts, animals, and some other unwanted things. However, you need to remove these blockages for restoring the function of your air conditioner unit. When you remove some unwanted things from your aircon unit, you should be able to restore the overall function of your unit easily.
5. Dirty evaporator
This is another common problem that can cause frequent turn off in your air conditioner unit. Some aircon units cannot function normally when they have dirty evaporator. As the result, they may lose their functions when their evaporators are dirty. It is recommended that you clean this evaporator regularly. Some aircon service companies can help you clean this unit quickly.
6. Broken remote control
This is a minor problem that you may have with your air conditioner. When your remote control is broken, your aircon unit may keep turning off regularly. It is recommended that you clean your remote control with the new one. You can contact your air con’s manufacturer when you are planning to buy a new device. Buying new remote control can help you manage the function of your air conditioner easily.
They are some common problems that can keep your aircon unit turning off frequently. This situation should be treated properly, so you can restore the overall function of your air conditioner. It is recommended that you hire a professional aircon service company for solving this problem. There are some high quality cleaning service companies that operate in Singapore. Book an appointment with your favourite aircon service company today. You can also ask anything that is related with any problems with your air conditioner. You need to clean your unit at least once a month, so you can prevent any other problems with your aircon unit.