The weather in Singapore is usually humid and hot for a better part of the year. This means that Singapore residents will require an air conditioning system. The air conditioner provides a breeding area for mold, bacteria and mildew. This means that it is vital to get this system serviced once in a while. Older systems need an overhaul to keep them working properly. On the other hand systems that have been dormant for a considerable amount of time need complete overhaul.
If you need your air conditioner to be checked, then you have come to the right place. Did you know that air con chemical cleaning can increase the life of your air conditioner? This article will look at the pros and cons of aircon chemical overhaul. This is to help you know whether to get your air conditioning systems cleaned or not. You should make sure that your systems are checked after every 3 months if you use it at home while those who use it for business should have the system checked every month.
You will be able to breath in fresh and clean air:
This will ensure that you get to improve your quality of life. This means that you will be able to keep sickness at bay. This is because the cleaning will get rid of any mold that will make it difficult to breathe.
Increase the lifespan of the air conditioning system:
The air conditioning system will get an extended lifespan because the moving parts will be thoroughly inspected. This will ensure that they function properly. Regular maintenance will also ensure that the system does not break down every now and then. It will minimize the need for repairs.
You will be able to save a lot on electricity:
Regular maintenance will ensure that you save a certain amount of money. This is because the maintenance will involve cleaning of the moving parts such as the outdoor units and checking if the electrical wires are working properly.
It will also reduce the rate of condensation:
After the maintenance, the system will appear as new. This will reduce the condensation rate that is usually caused by overheating. It will result into a cooler environment.
It will make the cooling faster:
An older system or one that has not been used for some time tends to wok very slowly. However, after undergoing maintenance it will cool the environment faster. This is because there will be less dust clogging it. Faster cooling is only achieved through regular maintenance.
Reaction to chemicals:
There are people who react to the chemicals used in cleaning these systems. This will lead to respiratory system problems that result in allergies, irritation and difficulty in breathing.
This servicing is expensive:
Compared to the other cleaning methods, this one is quite expensive. This is because of the cost of the chemicals used; tools used in cleaning and technician skills.
Time consuming:
It takes a lot of time for the cleaning process to be complete. This is because the system has to be shut down for actual cleaning. There are times when the tenant will be required to move out until the process is complete.
Technician training:
The chemicals need to be stored properly and the chemicals that have not been used should be disposed of properly. This is because the chemical is hazardous to the tenants as well as the technician.
When you take the system for servicing it will undergo a vigorous process. This will see the indoor and outdoor units being cleaned, a re-installation will be done and the refrigerant will be topped up as well. Without regular maintenance, the air conditioning system will be prone to a lot of problems. You will have to pay a lot of money to take it for repairs and the efficiency level will drastically reduce.
Now, with this information you know that it is important to ensure proper maintenance of your air conditioning system. You will not have to worry about anything when you take your system for maintenance. This is because it will get the needed care to ensure that you live a comfortable life. There is no doubt that you need to get clean air indoors and this can only be achieved by regular maintenance. You will get the most out of your air conditioner if you have it chemically cleaned.